Welcome to ReThink83

Leveraging AI to transform your business

Harness the Power of AI

What if everyone in your business could save 1 hour a day?

How much would that be worth?

Introducing our game-changing training session on leveraging ChatGPT for social media, customer service, sales, marketing, and report writing.

Imagine effortlessly engaging with your audience on social media, providing exceptional customer service round the clock, closing more sales with persuasive conversations, and producing reports with lightning speed and accuracy.

Don't miss out on this golden opportunity! Join us for an exclusive introductory training session and unlock the full potential of ChatGPT for your business success. Reserve your seat now and be at the forefront of innovation!

Remember, those who adapt and embrace new technologies will thrive in today's competitive landscape. Secure your spot today and empower your business like never before!

Embracing AI for your Business

At ReThink83, we understand the challenges that SMEs face in today's rapidly-evolving business landscape. That's why we offer cutting-edge AI training and consultancy services designed to help you stay ahead of the curve. Our team of experts will work with you to identify opportunities for AI integration within your business, develop custom AI solutions tailored to your unique needs, and provide ongoing support to ensure your success. With ReThink83, you can unlock the full potential of AI and propel your business towards a brighter future.

Who We Are

ReThink83 was founded by Carl Whinnery and Owen crane. Two entrepreneurs that are using AI in their businesses everyday.

Rethink the future of your business with AI

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